I Should Be Getting Paid For This
I love planning my wedding. I really do. It's a constant reminder that I am actually getting married and I am the happiest I have ever been. But with planning comes work, opinions, budgeting, organizing, arranging, and anyting else that ends in "-ing." Last night, I was going through the wedding planner my future mother-in-law bought for me and I was getting so excited about everything, but so overwhelmed by it all, too. I'm the kind of person who is incredibly laid back until it comes to an event where other people are involved. For example, I threw, along with two other girls, a wedding Shower for my friend Sarah and although I had such a fun time doing it, I was more stressed because it was for her and there were other people who would be experiencing that Shower with us. If it were my shower and I threw it for myself with no one else invited, well...I wouldn't make a big fuss. It would be just me and we all know how much fun I am. But other people will be coming to my wedding and so I feel a sense of duty to make it original and lovely. I mean, I want it to be original and lovely, and I love planning and seeing it all come together with Wes, but as all brides know, it can be overwhelming. But in those times I remind myself that people won't remember what the candles looked like, how the tables were arranged, how pretty the cake looked, or if our grandmas wore corsages. No...It is my hope they remember the message of our special day: God is love and He is so worthy of our praise. I will definitely be toasting to that on June 23rd, 2007.