Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Too Long to just say Hello

I know...I know. You're saying to yourself, "Amanda, what the? Where the heck have you been?" I've been busy...that's where I've been.

May 1st represented the first day I was officially living in IL. Wes and I moved me over here over the course of April and let me tell you, that was the most stressful four weeks of my life. I was planning a wedding, preparing for the close on my house, moving, and dealing with the emotions that come with leaving the place with which you're most familiar and starting a new life in a new place. We had to get the water turned on, the cable and Internet connected, the electricity switched to our names. We had to deal with the most frustrating media company ever (to which I owe them a big "thank you" to the few gray hairs I have found recently).

But as I sit and type all of the stress that we encountered, I am reminded that it's all over now. I was stressed for four weeks, and now I'm fine. I'm enjoying our new place, a new change of scenery, growing closer to Wes and preparing to be his wife, learning to love in new and exciting ways. I am so very blessed...and so very thankful.

And now we only have two weeks and four days until the wedding. I've been thinking recently about how I'm about to be a bride, a wife, and it feels weird in a really good way, you know? I mean, I've never been those things before, so it's a little hard to wrap my mind around. But I love it.

And after June 23rd, I'll be posting more and probably only a few will revolve around the wedding (for those of you who just sighed relief, you're welcome).

I'm looking forward to sharing with you blogging peeps in the upcoming months. It will be way cool.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger Billy Chia said...

Thanks for stopping by Inept as Icing. I'm really looking forward to your wedding.


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