Friday, June 30, 2006

The Funny Thing about Pursuit

In my almost twenty-seven years of life, I have realized that a man's pursuit comes when you least expect it. You may hope for it, pray for it, even have false perceptions that it's actually happening, but when the pursuit begins, you never saw it coming. All little girls dream of the moment when their Prince will come and rescue them. They stand by their window, hair flowing like water through the wind, as the man they only dreamt of comes valiantly to their side to fight for, care for and love them. And the guy, so excited that he has found a woman who captivates him, works so diligently to win the beauty. This is where the story gets interesting. Most men, according to a recent survey, believe that once they have won their girl, the pursuit is over. The work is done. Close up shop. Let's all go home early. Gentlemen, I have something that is going to make you think, possibly even make you go to your wife or girlfriend and apologize that you didn't see this before. The pursuit is never over. Even after fifty years of marriage, the pursuit is still desired, still sought after, and still so desperately needed.

Let's look at it from a Biblical perspective. No other person in the history of the world has shown his deepest desire for pursuit than Jesus. He died for the human race because he so desperately wanted us to be with him...forever. Not just for fifty years of wedded bliss plus extremely hard times thrown in there, but for eternity. And through eternity, he pursues us. Day in and day out, that pursuit is active and alive and breathing. Take Solomon's words in chaper 3 of Song of Songs, "All night long on my bed I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him. I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. " Although the entire book of Songs is considered a love story from God to us, this verse should help us understand God's purest form of flattery--that he longs for us, loves us, and will go through bronze gates and iron bars to fight for us. And just as we are to become more like Jesus, should that not include the constant pursuit of those we love? Men, I speak to you here because I believe it is your role to pursue. Ladies, I will address our role in a later post (so be sure to check back in a week or two). I want to offer encouragement to the guys out there--women take pride in their men. We look at you with eyes of amazement as you show us your love and committment. We want to help you pursue us so it's not a losing battle. So as you begin to realize that God's pursuit of your own heart is so very important to him, it is my prayer that you begin to realize that the pursuit of your wife is also very important to him. It is a showcase of his continual molding in you to become more like his Son. And as we know, he is well pleased with Jesus.

The pursuit of a man is something that is very exciting to me and there are moments in my life, such as now, when discussing this amazing discovery is important. Whilst in the midst of the very thing I have just written, I want to remember that I have a role to play, too. Yes, God continually pursues me, but it is his heart's desire that I continually pursue him, as well. This will not only guide me in my relationship with Jesus, but with the very person who excites me just by saying my name.


At 6:23 PM, Blogger W. Wilson said...

The excitement of saying your name and hearing your laugh just adds even more to the incredible joys and pure bliss of pursuing someone so amazing. This pursuit and discovery of someone so special is all beyond total excitement and is all so very wonderful!

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Girl...I'm so excited for you. Pursuit is an amazing thing, and it truly is a battle to fight for the rest of life. There's an enemy who wants the pursuit to end and the everyday boredeom to take over. May God show you the fruits of your pursuits in both in this world and His kingdom

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Sarah said... more "ALMOST" 27 years of life, old woman!

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Wes & Amanda said...

Wes--Too sweet...too sweet. Ahhh yeah! You know you rock :).

Man...yeah, the 27th year came by pretty quickly, but I pray that it will be the best one yet. Oh I hope, I hope, I hope :). And don't you forget that you are, and will always be, older than me, Mrs. Chia. Mwa Mwa.

Shelley--thank you very much! I love to write and felt like I needed to put that English degree to work. Don't forget how beautiful you are!


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